"Poverty in which it doesn't explain in the Bible
First lets just start off by saying my favorite quote, "Fk The Upper Class"
Now let's get right to it...
So if and when the wold economics collapses like discussed within the 2011 theory's or what's talked about in the Bible, as the last days, or Revelation.
Well.... here's just another perspective on the matter, now i really have no clue what we are here for, or "to do" to be honest with you. However, this kinda makes sense if you look at it in the same perspective as "the sun that shines today, is the same son that shined yesterday, and will be the same sun that shines tomorrow".
Well, think about it, has there ever before in history or even to this day been a President that wouldn't be protected to the last man standing and the world around us started to fall apart?
Do you think Billionaires like Richard Branson who have learned to delegate everything in their life including even having to delegate, because they've delegated, delegating. Millionaires & Billionaires delegate starting with the basic necessities, like eating and paying bills.
If the world economy clasped tomorrow at this level, All living past and present Presidents, Billionaires and many Millionaires, well at these levels your life style is not directly effected.
Even in the worst economic meltdown, the wealthy well still have people who are feeding them grapes... it has always been that way, minus rare occasions, it is this way now, and most likely always will.
Let's continue, here's the thing... I believe based on my research over a lifetime, that we are all exactly where we are supposed to be in life, no judgement, just total acceptance.. Now here's the thing, not excepting where you are in life I guess is better than being homeless and excepting it.
Just my opinion, although, I've tried it, so it's not just speculation.
Like Kevin O'Leary from Shark Tank says;
"as soon as you realize that life is about money, all kinds of things open up for you"
It's like this, if you have not yet mastered wealth and abundance than you are where you are because of that reason, simple... open up your wallet and take a look, numbers don't lie.
Some people don't care about money, i know, that's a whole other conversation in it self, but it doesn't change the fact so let's get back to the point.
So when there is an extraction, like a down economic turn, as the law of expansion and retraction goes, the ones who have not focused on wealth creation shall feel the lack the most, and surly be the first.
If you're in the most poverty stricken town in Africa and a bad economy hits, then your the first to die off, that simple.
That is what's happening now, isn't it? Even with all the wealth on earth, the Caviar, the 1 Million dollar cars and Billion dollar hotels in Dubai, people are dying right now from hunger.
How fast, could that happen for most on this planet. Most can't in a good economy are living pay check to pay check. How would you eat or feed your family if the cost of food doubled due to inflation and at the same time gas tripled, what would you do? you 'd start to die off, that's what you'd do.
For the Rich and/or Powerful, 90% of the world population could die off, and they would still have people feeding them those grapes.
Life is very simple, you will either eat or be eaten, it happens that way in every other instance in nature... Well guess what, we are part of that nature, no.. we actually are that nature.
Have you ever picked up a Cactus? Cactus have evolved to protect themselves, what ever doesn't in this world, like the Dinosaurs, will die off.
I don't believe that God would destroy the earth itself, it's to beautiful and took way to long to create, including the things mankind has built, it's way too much to completely destroy.
So I guess the bottom line is that, if your not willing to become wealthy yourself then maybe you should work for someone who is.
I gotta think, that feeding grapes to a Billionaire in a Palace surrounded by abundance is better than standing it the cold in a breadline with your kids.
So if your not wealthy is simply because you've haven't decided that it was important enough to evolve in.
Don Glanville
"Tune in to my next conversation where i talk about the natural selection process and who is it that's decides "who's going to be born the child of Bill and Malinda Gates, and who's going to be born the child of residents from the bridge and tunnel pose. Very interesting perspective." Can't wait to share my thoughts on this...